Fredrik Asplund

Associate Professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Docent in Cyberphysical Systems. Focusing on safe engineering practice / safety practices in engineering firms related to cyber-physical systems, but with an interest in system safety, system/software engineering, innovation ecosystems, empirical software engineering and engineering education.

Currently, the main application domains of the research projects I have been involved in are the automotive and maritime domains. In these projects the focus has often been on autonomous, highly automated and connected vehicles, and their implications in extreme situations – e.g., for ensuring resilience or (when accidents are unavoidable) mitigating injury.

Fredrik Asplund

I am an Associate Professor at the KTH Royal Institute of Technology, and Docent in Cyberphysical Systems. My research focus is on safe engineering practice / safety practices in engineering firms related to cyber-physical systems.

I primarily investigate behaviour-shaping constraints - aspects of the sociotechnical systems surrounding workers that can constrain their ability to perform their work with the required flexibility (for ensuring safety). These constraints are often implicitly linked to outcomes, which means that explicit descriptions of engineering practice (e.g. safety standards) are often unable or unlikely to offer relevant guidance on them.

Think for instance of testing activities for safety-critical systems. Safety-related testing is often thought to be that which ensures that safety functions, such as emergency shutdown valves, will not malfunction. However, exploratory testing can be as important in ensuring that complex systems are safe, as it allows testers to identify safety-related faults that are too costly or too much of an outlier to identify otherwise. Unfortunately, the implications of exploratory testing on for instance test coverage is implicit. This means that it is also difficult to pin down what makes exploratory testing efficient.

This has led me to consider not only the practices that are considered as belonging to safety engineering, but the wider contribution to safety by all engineering practice as well as the safety-related influence by the value-creation and societal systems surrounding current manufacturers of cyberphysical systems.

Additionally, I have an interest in and have written a few papers on system safety, system/software engineering, innovation ecosystems, empirical software engineering and engineering education.

Currently, the main application domains of the research projects I have been involved in are the automotive and maritime domains. In these projects the focus has often been on autonomous, highly automated and connected vehicles, and their implications in extreme situations – e.g., for ensuring resilience or (when accidents are unavoidable) mitigating injury.

Language Skills


Some Facts

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    Papers Published
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These are a few of my publications which I think are worth highlighting (and I have found the time to add).

For a more complete list see:


News, Etc.

When I find the time, I will put things of interest that I come across here (news, call for papers, etc.)


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Phone: +46 8 790 7405